Our motiviation: We want to change corporate learning for good and help our customers turn knowledge into real progress. 80 experts in three subsidiaries accompany our customers on this journey with know-how, experience – and enthusiasm.
From product training, software introduction, regulatory training or soft skill training, we get to the core of your individual topics. With our experience and know-how in didactics, complexity reduction and storytelling, we perfectly showcase your learning content and help you find the right format – be it micro nugget, interactive explainer video, serious game, WBT or instructional video.
We make it easy for you to enter the world of digital learning with our learning technologies. Simply create e-learning content in-house with our authoring tools – and – with knowtion even with built-in AI didactics support. Last but not least our Learning Management System enables you to provide your target groups with learning content in a simple and attractive way – across all devices.
Being pioneers of explainer videos, we have been conveying any topic, no matter how complex, in a simple and entertaining way for over 15 years. Whether it’s paper cutouts, animated sequences or a style developed especially for you: We find the right solution for your topic – and ensure eye-opening moments that are convincing and memorable.
You want to start with digital learning or want to take the next strategic or qualitative step? Benefit from our Learning Consultants’ long-term experience! Whether you need a format catalog, a stable process for in-house production, or didactic tools for authors – we will support you in developing your individual digital content strategy and together we will create a reliable foundation for your corporate learning.
Did you know that we always offer a free 60-minute initial consultation to evaluate your goals? Let’s find a date.
The three youknow promises
Didactic expertise
Our minimizing complexity and storytelling tools are based on cognition psychology findings and eleven years of experience in developing explanatory videos and e-learning solutions.
Planning reliability
100% planning reliability from the start: Transparent fixed prices, a binding project plan and one designated contact person ensure that you have full control and that content production is a walk in the park.
In everything we do, we invest not only know-how and a wealth of experience, but also passion, soul and dedication. And we’re proud to say, it pays off – 100% of our clients are satisfied, and 96% are even delighted with our working relationship!
delighted customers
successful projects
The people behind youknow
We are a team of 80 experts in Munich, Dortmund and Zurich – and only the best content and solutions satisfies us. Expertise is key, but so are passion, personality and soul.